Lt William Carey Ferguson Davie, Green Howards

1900 Mar 25 Born,  son of Henry Herrick Ferguson Davie (b1869 in Norfolk, England) and Eleanora Inloes Schultz in Philadelphia PA, USA

The family was

1910 The family were seemingly abandoned by their mother and their father was in a clinic for years before his death in 1913. They were boarders with a minister in Bristol, Connecticutt on the 1910 USA Census when the 3 boys were 10, 12, and 16. There is no record of their journey back to England.Their uncle, Bishop Charles James Ferguson Davie may brought them back himself or made arrangements for someone else to do so.

William Carey Ferguson Davie, attended St. Bee's. He had a guardian named Horsfall, a rector in Norfolk. Rev. Horsfall's rectory was near where their grandfather Charles "Carl" Robert Ferguson Davie (who was dead by the time they came back to England) had been the rector at Yelverton.

1919 Aug 14. Carey Ferguson Davie graduated from Sandhurst and went into the Green Howards as 2nd Lt.

1921 Jul 16. Green Howards.— 2nd Lt. W. C. Ferguson-Davie to be Lt.

1922 Mar 25 He married in Dublin to Katherine Robertson Kay, daughter of William Robertson Kay.

1922 May 3. Green Howards. Lt. W. C. Ferguson-Davie is seed, for service with the Tank Corps.

1922 Aug 27. Green Howards. Lt. W. C. Ferguson-Davie ceases to be empld. with Tank Corps.

1922 Dec 18. Green Howards.—Lt. W. C. Ferguson-Davie retires, receiving a gratuity.

1926. Moved back to Ireland, where he was a commercial traveller. 

1932 A child born in Dublin, Jean

1974 Died

Dublin Castle Intelligence